Recent updates: Wellbeing insights in Cleveland Lessons in centering community Viewpoint: Planning for wellbeing

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SHIFT: From Short-Term Change to Lasting Wellbeing

This toolkit provides guidance for the philanthropic community and other stakeholders interested in supporting long-term, sustainable change for people living at the intersection of poverty, violence, trauma and oppression.

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How to Create Shovel-Worthy Infrastructure

Brookings Metro Senior Fellow Xavier de Souza Briggs and Full Frame Initiative CEO Katya Fels Smyth outline a framework grounded in the Wellbeing Blueprint to guide new investments in the built environment.

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What’s the Connection Between Wellbeing and Health?

The more that stands in the way of wellbeing, the harder it is to be healthy. Learn about how meeting our needs for wellbeing can improve our health.

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Adopting a Wellbeing Approach in Health Care: Benefits and Considerations

Tanya Tucker, Chief of National Engagement and Partnerships discusses with The Center for Health Care Strategies why health care systems may benefit from a wellbeing orientation.

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The Community Conversations: Listening for Change

Learn what we heard through community conversations across Missouri and how it led to a paradigm-shifting approach to transforming the state's child welfare system.

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The Five Domains of Wellbeing for Youth and Youth Involved in the Juvenile Justice System

This resource provides guidance for anyone engaging with and advocating for youth, with specific guidance for juvenile justice staff who wish to reinforce existing and develop new practices and systems that support wellbeing.

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The Infrastructure of Wellbeing

The 2022 national infrastructure bill presents a historic opportunity to provide universal access to wellbeing through the built environment. Through a wellbeing lens, we can heal past harms and guide new, equitable infrastructure investments.

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Wellbeing Blueprint

The Wellbeing Blueprint is our roadmap for building a country where everyone has a fair shot at wellbeing. It lays out our shared path forward with policy and decision-making recommendations grounded in six guiding principles.

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Talking About Poverty: Narratives, Counter-Narratives, and Telling Effective Stories

A report from Frameworks Institute synthesizes the complex body of research around existing poverty narratives and counter-narratives, with practical advice about how to use narratives to create better stories—and, ultimately, to create social change.

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The Community Bill of Rights

Full Frame Initiative partnered with community leaders to develop the Community Bill of Rights. This resource serves as a guide for government systems, philanthropy and nonprofits to center community, shift power and heal systemic harms.

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Wellbeing & Voting Rights

The ability to cast a ballot affects every aspect of individual and community wellbeing – but not everyone has access. Some laws disproportionately impact Black and brown voters, as well as students, voters with disabilities and formerly incarcerated people.

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Wellbeing Blueprint Discussion Guide

This discussion guide provides questions and discussion points for each of the six principles of the Wellbeing Blueprint, our roadmap for building a country where everyone has a fair shot at wellbeing.

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