Recent updates: Wellbeing insights in Cleveland Lessons in centering community Viewpoint: Planning for wellbeing

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Twila Norris on Being a WIATT Credible Messenger

An interview with Twila Norris, a credible messenger who helped to implement our Wellbeing Insights, Assets & Tradeoffs Tool (WIATT). Resident leaders like Twila administered surveys and analyzed data to understand how the North Coast development project would impact the community's access to wellbeing.

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FFI + City of Cleveland

Learn how we partnered with the City of Cleveland to transform its approach to development projects by implementing our Wellbeing Insights, Assets & Tradeoffs Tool (WIATT) to prioritize wellbeing and equity.

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Cleveland Charts a New Path for How Residents & City Officials Undertake Development Projects

In Cleveland, Ohio, our work with government officials and residents offers a model for putting wellbeing at the center of how we design our cities.

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Planning for Wellbeing Can Transform the Planner — and the Practice

Senchel Matthews, FFI's associate director of built environment, writes about how the planning community can repair harms of the past to create a more just future in an article for Planning Magazine.

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We Have to Talk About Stripping

In an article for Medium, FFI Founder and CEO Katya Fels Smyth shares a new name for an enduring phenomenon: wellbeing stripping. Because it's not just financial assets that are often drained from communities that can least afford it, as part of major development or public good projects.

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New Tool Centers Equity and Wellbeing in Infrastructure Investments

Infrastructure investments aren’t neutral. Imagine a future where people’s wellbeing is the starting place for how decisions are made about what, where, when and even whether we build. Our new tool is a step towards that future.

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Sozosei Foundation Convening: The Role Built Environment in Decriminalizing Mental Illness

We participated in an important conversation that explored how investing in the built environment can be used as a lever for decriminalizing mental illness, increasing public safety, enhancing civic participation, addressing inequities and improving public health

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Giving Voice to the Voiceless

Patrick McNeal of the North Flint Neighborhood Action Council outlines the harms wrought by infrastructure projects on communities of color – and how we can begin to heal by building wellbeing into our environments moving forward.

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Centering Community Self-Assessment Tool

How effectively is your organization centering community? Use this tool with the Community Bill of Rights to guide conversations around what is or isn't being done to center community in your organization.

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How to Create Shovel-Worthy Infrastructure

Brookings Metro Senior Fellow Xavier de Souza Briggs and Full Frame Initiative CEO Katya Fels Smyth outline a framework grounded in the Wellbeing Blueprint to guide new investments in the built environment.

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The Infrastructure of Wellbeing

The 2022 national infrastructure bill presents a historic opportunity to provide universal access to wellbeing through the built environment. Through a wellbeing lens, we can heal past harms and guide new, equitable infrastructure investments.

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Infrastructure for Wellbeing – Designing & Building with Social Resilience

We participated in an important conversation about how incorporating wellbeing and resilience into infrastructure investments. We discussed ways to promote structural and social investments alongside changes to the built environment, programming and operations.

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