Recent updates: Wellbeing Equity is Bigger Than FFI Webinar: Nonprofit Endings as Process and Power New: Justice Determinants of Wellbeing

A Fair Deal: Moving Towards Wellbeing

A Fair Deal: Moving towards Wellbeing was a virtual event that took place during the 2022 Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to generate awareness around wellbeing.

In the US, history, culture and policy all use the tools of sexism, racism and classism to enable access to wellbeing for a few while limiting access for many many more. We see the results in differential life spans across income and race, higher maternal mortality rates for Black women, economic and social stressors and inequities and more. Join us for a session to explore how the concept of wellbeing is being used to disrupt inequities and unleash women’s power in the United States.

Experience thought leadership from four speakers:

  • Katya Fels Smyth, Founder and CEO at the Full Frame Initiative;
  • Veola Green, Chief Executive Officer, The International Institute of Family Development, Inc.;
  • Gladys Carrion, Senior Fellow, Columbia University Justice Lab and Co-Chair of the Youth Correctional Leaders for Justice;
  • LaRae Cantley, former Senior Manager Community and Wellbeing at the Full Frame Initiative.

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